IcareLabs Blog

IcareLabs wishes you a prosperous and happy New Year for 2022!

IcareLabs & Your Practice In 2022

Dec 28, 2021 2:25:58 PM

With this year almost complete, 2021 has truly been a year for the history books; in more ways than we can count. Earlier this year, the 3rd generation of Payne leadership took the helm at IcareLabs. I proudly accepted the position of President alongside my cousin, Tyler Payne, stepping into the Executive Vice President role and my brother, James Payne, as our Vice President of Technology.

We are also blessed to have the brilliant wisdom of Scott & Skip Payne to continue guiding us in their Senior Advisor roles. I know my grandfather would be proud to see how far we have come as a company and as a family.

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Fixed and variable corridor progressive lens designs

Fixed & Variable Corridor Progressives

Dec 9, 2021 11:15:59 AM

Last month we asked for some input from our readers, both customers and prospects, on what content they would like to see in our newsletters. We had some good responses; one request was on fixed/variable progressives. While we have dug into this in the past it might be time for a refresher.

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IcareLabs takes part in the Great American Teach-In

The Great American Teach-In

Nov 29, 2021 4:16:08 PM

Recently we had the opportunity to give back to our community and help enrich the lives of elementary students in our community with the Great American Teach-In. This annual event invites local businesses to come and speak to students directly about what they do and how they do it.

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Guide to lens materials for patient's glasses

ECP Lens Material Guide

Nov 19, 2021 5:30:09 PM

Never in the history of optics have your patients had so many options to choose from. With hundreds of progressive designs, multiple photochromic options, and a vast array of materials it is easier than ever to fill their needs.

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Happy patients bring you more patients!

How To Create A Patient Experience That Keeps Them Coming Back

Nov 5, 2021 5:22:30 PM

We know that cancellations without notice can negatively affect your optometric practice. It’s not always an easy task to provide every patient with the best experience and care from their arrival to their departure.

Doing your best to give your patient an experience that’s hard to forget (of course, in a positive way) will contribute to a decrease in patients not showing up for their scheduled appointments. It will also increase great reviews and word-of-mouth referrals, which can greatly contribute to attracting new patients to your business.

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How to understand the affect of abbe value on chromatic aberration for lenses

Understanding How Abbe Value Can Affect Chromatic Aberration

Oct 28, 2021 11:54:12 AM

The other day I had the pleasure of reading a very good article featured in 20/20 written by Palmer R. Cook, OD. He dug very deep into Chromatic Aberration and the effects it has on patients.

Part of my job here at IcareLabs is assisting our customers with trouble shooting problem patients. Often the issue is clarity or blur when not looking through the optical center. Lenses work great while looking straight ahead but with even minimal eye movement the clarity goes away. We always look at Rx, base curve, and lens design. This is the lowest hanging fruit.

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Keys to happy employees for ECPs

Keys To A Happy Employee For ECPs

Oct 18, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Keeping employees on the manufacturing floor happy is one of my key goals. Let’s face it, the job can be physically and mentally stressful. I am constantly looking for something to engage the employees in some fun and stimulate some good feelings about how special each and every one of our employees are to IcareLabs.

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New Transitions Availability Guide

Digital Transitions Availability Guide

Oct 13, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Transitions lenses have a new digital availability guide now available for all ECPs. This is an easy way to look up all of the amazing Transitions photochromic technology, right at your fingertips. With all of the different combinations currently on the market, it can sometimes be a bit confusing. Luckily, this online guide takes out all of the guesswork.

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Optics 101 - Lens Thickness by IcareLabs

Optics 101 Series Pt. 1 – Lens Thickness

Sep 30, 2021 10:53:18 AM

Over the next year we will try to post a few articles geared towards those who are new in the industry or maybe those looking for a little refresher. We will simply title these our "Optics 101 Series".

To create a good pair of glasses that offer the best optics, fit, and comfort all start with the frame. Frame choice is the foundation that can either make or break the satisfaction for your patient.

The main goal of opticianry is recreating perfect 20/20 vision for your patient. The second goal should be doing this with the thinnest, lightest lenses possible. This will give your patient added comfort and good cosmetics. We are going to break this down into 5 parts of how to give your patient the best overall satisfaction, comfort, and performance of a pair of glasses.

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Kodak Lens anti-reflective coatings processed in-house by IcareLabs

Kodak Lens No-Glare Coatings

Sep 24, 2021 5:23:01 PM

Kodak Lens is one of America's most trusted brands. While many ECPs are familiar with their progressive lens options, did you know they also have premium branded anti-reflective coatings? Let's take a look at all three no-glare coatings offered by Kodak Lens and see how they can best meet your patient's needs.

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