IcareLabs Blog

Nuance Audio are frames and hearing aids in one

Why Nuance Audio Frames Are A Game Changer For Retail Optical

Mar 5, 2025 2:15:39 PM

With over 30 years in the optical industry, I've seen a lot of new products and technologies come and go. Some have been truly groundbreaking, while others were just small tweaks to existing lens designs and production methods. True game-changers are rarity in our industry.

Nuance Audio frames are shaping up to be one of those rare gems that only come around once in a while. You might be thinking, "Revolutionary? Come on, James, it's just another hearing aid dressed up as eyeglasses." And while that might seem true at first glance, I invite you to stick around and read a bit more. By the end of this blog, you might just see things my way!

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Support A Great Cause With Dr. Seuss Kids Frames From Eye Q

Support A Great Cause With Dr. Seuss Children's Frames From Eye Q Eyewear

Mar 1, 2024 9:00:00 AM

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday and the kick-off to National Reading Month which celebrates and encourages reading for all ages. Here at Eye Q Eyewear, this classic children's author has a special place in our hearts as we design and manufacture the Dr. Seuss collection of children’s eyewear.

We've decided to partner with our favorite local lab (IcareLabs, of course!) to offer a promotion in celebration of Dr. Seuss and National Reading Month! From now until the end of March, we will donate $1 for every Dr. Seuss frame sold by IcareLabs. Even better, they have generously offered to match us 1 for 1 with a donation for a total of $2 per frame! 

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IcareLabs becomes a fully certified wholesale safety lab for your Varilux, Crizal, and Shamir lenses.

Are You Getting Your Share of Sales in the Safety Market?

Jan 30, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Safety lenses and safety frames are an established and consistent section of the overall optical market with prescription safety being a built-in segment of business required by many employers for their employees to safely do their jobs. So the question is, what are you doing to make sure your optical is also getting its fair share of this business?

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Modern Optical frames are now available on your IcareLabs portal.

New Modern Frame Collections Available at IcareLabs

Sep 22, 2023 3:02:09 PM

At the end of 2022, we officially launched our Supply Frame program and we had no idea just how popular it would prove to be! Obviously, many of our customers love the convenience of being able to order their patient's lenses and frames together for faster turnaround time. We now have even more Modern Optical frames to choose from.

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Hudson safety glasses are available in a wide variety of options for men and women in the industrial field.

Hudson Optical Safety Frames

Apr 28, 2023 7:00:00 AM

As we continue to expand our supply frame offerings, we now have safety frames from Hudson Optical available. As with all our supply frames, you can order them with prescription safety lenses all in one shot directly through your myIcareLabs account. This provides faster turnaround time and better service levels.

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The full collection of EyeQ are now available as supply options through IcareLabs.

Eye Q Frames Are Now Available

Jan 25, 2023 11:45:00 AM

We're proud to announce you can now order Eye Q frames for your patients. Eye Q Eyewear is a family owned and operated frame vendor. We now offer 16 collections to choose select frame styles from, including Dickies, Ecko Unltd., and Dr. Seuss branded frames. These frames are available to order with our supply frame system making it easier than ever to provide great lenses and affordable frame packages for your patients.

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Order your Modern Optical frames that are now available at IcareLabs

Modern Optical Frames Are Here!

Nov 25, 2022 10:00:00 AM

In our never-ending quest to be the easiest lab in the USA to work with, we've added a large selection of Modern Optical frames. We can now process complete jobs with these frames faster than ever before with no need for you to send the frame to us. We are very excited to provide yet another option to help expedite your patients' glasses without having to sacrifice quality.

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ArmouRx safety frames now available with IcareLabs!

ArmouRx Safety Frames Now Available

Oct 11, 2022 4:36:43 PM

Many jobs require necessary eye safety equipment which gives you the opportunity for a true second pair sale. If there is one thing patients love when picking out their frames it's having options. Safety frames are no different, so we are proud to announce we now offer the complete line of ArmouRx safety frames. This line has several options to choose from to fit the needs of just about any patient.

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Guardian safety frames processed in-house at Icarelabs

Guardian Safety Frames

Feb 17, 2021 10:06:06 AM

Ever since we started offering the Guardian Safety Frame line with our stock frames last year, we've had more and more customers tell us they have been a huge success at their practice. This is not surprising considering their phenomenal selection and their great price points!

This blog will breakdown the entire Guardian Safety Frame catalogue so you can determine which frames will work best for your optical dispensary.

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