IcareLabs Blog

IcareLabs is proud to partner with Kodak Lens to help your practice increase optical sales

The Power Of Kodak Lens

Feb 7, 2020 4:25:45 PM


The power of a brand name cannot be underestimated. You see it every day in what sells with your frame selection. Companies and corporations fight for brand name recognition as they understand the value.


A global survey found that 59% of respondents prefer to buy new products with a brand that they know. No other product in our lens industry has a more recognized name than Kodak Lens. While Kodak cameras are no longer hot sellers thanks to the smartphone, the name continues to hold on.

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IcareLabs has 3 key tips for making your 2020 optical sales your best year yet!

What's Your 2020 Optical Sales Vision?

Jan 13, 2020 2:13:43 PM

2020 is undoubtedly the year of all things optical. IcareLabs wants to make sure you not only meet your optical sales goals for the year, but we want this to be the best year you have ever had!


You, like many others, use the new year to make resolutions and/or promises to make changes in your life. Making a resolution is the easy part, sticking with it is another thing altogether. This is why there is a waiting line at the gym in January and by June you would be surprised if you had to wait for a machine. The number one reason that resolutions fail is that we treat them like a sprint and not a marathon.


We try and make too many or too big of changes that are just too hard to stick with. Let's focus on some small doable goals for 2020. Keep it simple and have some fun. 

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Varilux X Processed In-House At IcareLabs!

Varilux X Lenses Now Processed In-House At IcareLabs

Jan 6, 2020 12:36:26 PM

We have just finished an update with our state-of-the-art surfacing equipment which enables us to surface the Varilux X Series lenses in-house. With this, we are now able to produce the full line of Varilux digital products in-house along with the full line of Crizal products.

This enables us to be your one-stop-shop for Varilux and Crizal products!

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Introducing: Eyezen Start and Kodak PowerUp Single Vision Lenses

Nov 19, 2019 8:59:00 AM

In the ever-growing world of digital single vision offerings, Essilor and Kodak Lens have just released information on their new designs.


These great new lens options are designed to help patients deal with digital eye strain and visual fatigue.


Let's take a look at each and see what they bring to the table.

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Blue light protections available at IcareLabs-1

Blue Light Protection Available From IcareLabs

Oct 18, 2019 10:39:33 AM

What is blue light?


Blue light is at the bottom end of the visible light spectrum with the shortest wavelength and the highest energy. Blue light is often referred to as violet or violet light. Blue light is just above ultra-violet (UV) in the light spectrum.


Blue light is defined as visible light ranging from 380 to 500 nm. In some circles, blue light is broken down further into 2 segments – Blue-Violet (280 – 455) and Blue-Turquoise light (455-500nm).

Before we get to breaking down the blue light products that we carry here are a few key points you need to know.

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BlueGuard harmful blue-violet light protection made by IcareLabs

BlueGuard Lenses By IcareLabs Now Available!

Sep 23, 2019 3:25:52 PM

You asked and we listened! After getting feedback from our customers that they would like lenses with blue light protection that can be demo'd for patients; IcareLabs is proud to now offer our new Blue Guard lenses that will be able to do just that!

Let's take a look at availability and how this new line will fit into our other house brand and name brand lens offerings. We'll also breakdown what your patients can expect with this fantastic new option providing protection from harmful UV and blue light.

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When To Use High-Index Lens Materials For Your Patient's Glasses

When To Use High Index Lens Materials For Your Patient's Glasses

Aug 27, 2019 1:04:29 PM

With all of the options available in lens designs and materials, we truly are working in the golden age of optics. Never has there been more options and custom-designed products to cover the vast array of our patients' needs. From specialized Single Vision products for young readers to fully compensated digital progressives offering a wide field of views.

While we get plenty of training on these new products I find that many of us question when to use high-index lenses and why. Many do not understand the benefits and fear the drawbacks. 

In this brief article, I hope to clear up some misconceptions while giving you some parameters of when to use high index. 

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4 Reasons you should be dispensing fixed corridor progressive lenses

4 Reasons To Use Fixed Corridor Progressive Lenses

Jun 27, 2019 8:59:00 AM

In September of 2018 we took a look at the differences between fixed corridor vs. variable corridor digital progressives. While this is a good explanation of how to get the best out of each, fixed corridor progressive lenses can give you a new arsenal to keep your patients happy

We are seeing more of our customers choosing fixed corridor for their patients progressive glasses and for good reason. This blog will give you best practices when fitting your patients with fixed corridor progressives. The first step is using a product that allows for fixed corridor length. Shamir, Seiko, and our house brands (Legacy and Heritage) give you this ability.

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