The Power Of Kodak Lens

The power of a brand name cannot be underestimated. You see it every day in what sells with your frame selection. Companies and corporations fight for brand name recognition as they understand the value.
A global survey found that 59% of respondents prefer to buy new products with a brand that they know. No other product in our lens industry has a more recognized name than Kodak Lens. While Kodak cameras are no longer hot sellers thanks to the smartphone, the name continues to hold on.
So why Kodak Lens? Kodak offers performance, brand name recognition, and value. While also offering $10 cashback, an easy pricing structure and covered by all major vision care plans. Added to all of this, they have the perfect products for your good, better, and best needs.
Let’s start with the products –
Kodak offers a full line of digital products that can cover all of your managed care and private pay needs.
9 specific products offering up to 62 different materiel options.
Kodak Lens options have your tiered sales approach covered:
Good – Kodak Precise PB – VSP = J & EyeMed = Tier 2
Better – Kodak Unique DRO – VSP = O & EyeMed = Tier 3
Best – Kodak Unique DRO HD – VSP = N + CM & EyeMed = Tier 4
Kodak Lens offers all these options and lens choices while giving you $10 cashback for every pair of Kodak lenses dispensed and redeemed through their PracticePlus program.
PracticePlus funds allow you to:
-Reward your staff
-Upgrade or pay off your equipment
-Upgrade or renovate your office
This simple to join program has an easy to reach minimum of 20 pairs in 60 days. You only need to sell 10 pairs a month to participate in this rebate program.
Kodak lens also offers simple 2-tier pricing. This pricing simplifies your in-house pricing structure allowing you to focus on the needs of your patients and not your lab bill. Reach out to us for more information on this pricing.
We all can agree that there is power in the Kodak name, but how do you leverage this in your office? Kodak Lens offers help with their Kodak Lens retail solutions.
The Kodak Lens retail solutions were developed by Signet Armorlite to enable Independent Eye Care Professionals to:
1) Leverage the strength and heritage of Kodak branding.
2) Provide simple tools to demo products and increase your average selling prices.
3) Dispense better lenses which lead to happier patients, improved repeat business, and improved word of mouth advertising.
Signet Armorlite offers 2 solutions that will meet almost every ECP’s needs –
Solution 1: Kodak Lens Corner
The Kodak Lens Education Center gives your practice either a freestanding or counter-top display giving your patients demos they can actually try on. This will lead to driving up your ASP through increased AR, Transitions, and premium progressive sales.
You will also receive a Kodak Lens window cling, merchandising kit, and placement in the online ECP locator. This is a $2,500 value for a simple 2-year agreement to sell 5 pairs of Kodak Lens PALs with AR per week.
Solution 2: Kodak Lens Experience
This is the ultimate branded upgrade to your office. You get all that is offered with the Kodak Lens Corner along with an acrylic sign, frame board headers, and a Kodak Lens wall mural.
This signage brings color, professionalism, and branding to your office. This is a $5,000 value for a 10 pair with AR per week commitment.
They also offers custom printed recalls card featuring your business information for all Kodak Lens practices.
Kodak Lens and IcareLabs are partnering up with independent ECP’s in ways that we have not seen before. Reach out today for more information on how Kodak Lens can partner with your practice today.