IcareLabs Blog

IcareLabs optical sales coach talks about blue light protection

Optical Sales Coach - Blue Light Lenses

Dec 11, 2017 10:13:00 AM


Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up. This week's topic is blue light protection, one of the largest growing segments in optical. Many patients are confused by what these lenses actually provide, it's your job to make sure they understand exactly what these types of lenses can provide them to help set realistic expectations.

Package Pricing With Your Blue Light Protection

In this video, James Stephany walks us through the need for, and some of the options for Blue Light Lenses. Feel free to visit our Blue Light Resource Center page to find sales aids, white papers, and much more on all of the blue light products IcareLabs has to offer. Offering blue light protection as a package deal can help boost your optical sales too!

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Optical Sales Coach James Stephany At IcareLabs

Optical Sales Coach - Occupational and Office Lenses

Dec 5, 2017 9:44:00 AM

Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up.

Occupational/Office Lenses

In this video, James Stephany reviews the various occupational/office lenses. These lenses are a great option for both patients working in a busy, fast-paced work environment as well as those who use a lot of digital devices (e.g. cell phones, tablets, laptops) in their normal daily routines.

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Optical Sales Coach: Victory Drivers!

Optical Sales Coach - Victory Drivers

Nov 27, 2017 10:32:00 AM


Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up. This video is all about VICTORY DRIVERS!

Package Pricing

In this video, James Stephany discusses how individual "stats" from our optical business all add up to victory - much like a sports team. Setting realistic, achievable goals can help motivate you and your staff to strive for success. One of the best things about hitting your goals is positive momentum. They make it easier to keep focused and also help see areas that may need improvement.

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Optical Sales Coach - Package Pricing

Nov 14, 2017 9:01:00 AM


Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up.

Package Pricing

In this video, James Stephany talks about the importance of package pricing vs a la carte pricing to help increase revenue, and keep patients happy. Knowing the difference and when it's best to use each can help your optical in more ways than you think!

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James Stephany Resident Optical Sales Coach At IcareLabs

Optical Sales Coach - Friends Buy From Friends

Nov 7, 2017 4:04:31 PM


Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up.

Friends Buy From Friends

In this video, James Stephany discusses the importance of relationships in the retail optical business. Your patients count on you to provide your medical expertise to guide them to a purchase that meets all their needs. Being able to communicate the benefits of each product in a value-driven, easy to understand way really does make a big difference!

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A Safe Way to Grow Your Optical Business

Dec 10, 2015 4:04:12 PM

Have you considered selling Prescription Safety Eyewear to grow your optical business?

Savvy optical industry businesses capitalize on the prescription safety eyewear segment. According to the 2014 Vision Council ECP Report, only about two-thirds of independent eye care practices offer the ANSI-rated Z87 safety eyewear.

When asking questions on occupation, daily activities, lifestyles, habits, hobbies etc., safety eyewear may apply to your patient. Take a couple of minutes to inform and educate them in eye safety. Even if their employer does not mandate that they wear safety eyewear, you are in the position to recommend it. They may listen to your recommendation more than their employer’s.

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Optical Sales Coach: Needs-based Sales to Increase Revenue

Oct 28, 2015 2:58:45 PM


Last time, we looked into the advantage of “speaking human” to our customers. We learned that an informed customer would be more likely to purchase than a uniformed customer would be.

Our industry has grown expeditiously over the last 10 to 15 years with more products and add-on goodies than we can keep up with. While we have more products than ever, studies have found that eyeglass unit sales are flat once again while dollars are up a bit. With this knowledge, you know we can expect to see about the same amount of customers this year as we did last year. To increase overall sales we have to increase the sales average per customer.

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Selling to Millennials: What the Optical Industry Needs to Consider

Sep 22, 2015 3:22:00 PM

Looking to grow your business? You might want to consider focusing a portion of your selling floor to the millennials. After all, in a few years they will be the majority of the population and more of your target market.

Let’s look at how millennials, a.k.a. ‘Gen Y’, shops and buys today and what you can do to sell to them.

Let's start with a definition: people born between 1981 – 1997 who have grown up on the Internet. This represents about 75-80 million young people, nearly one quarter of the total population of America.

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Optical Sales Coach: Speak Human!

Jul 8, 2015 10:16:00 AM

Optical Sales Coach: Speak Human!

As part of my position here at IcareLabs, I enjoy visiting with many of our eye doctors, opticians and optical store staff. Often, I am asked for advice in improving optical sales while balancing professionalism. We are a medical-driven industry and how we handle sales is important.

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Increase your revenue with the best wholesale lens pricing on the market

How to Increase Revenue in your Optical Store

May 19, 2015 5:53:00 PM

At IcareLabs, we get many questions from our eye care professionals about how to increase their bottom line. We’ve been providing quality prescription lenses and eyeglasses as an independent optical lab since 1968. Here are some basic ideas we’ve observed over the years on how to increase revenue in your optical store.

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