Optical Sales Coach - Blue Light Lenses
Dec 11, 2017 10:13:00 AM
Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up. This week's topic is blue light protection, one of the largest growing segments in optical. Many patients are confused by what these lenses actually provide, it's your job to make sure they understand exactly what these types of lenses can provide them to help set realistic expectations.
Package Pricing With Your Blue Light Protection
In this video, James Stephany walks us through the need for, and some of the options for Blue Light Lenses. Feel free to visit our Blue Light Resource Center page to find sales aids, white papers, and much more on all of the blue light products IcareLabs has to offer. Offering blue light protection as a package deal can help boost your optical sales too!