Optical Sales Coach - Friends Buy From Friends

Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up.
Friends Buy From Friends
In this video, James Stephany discusses the importance of relationships in the retail optical business. Your patients count on you to provide your medical expertise to guide them to a purchase that meets all their needs. Being able to communicate the benefits of each product in a value-driven, easy to understand way really does make a big difference!
Want More?
Here are some links to other helpful Optical Sales Coach videos:
Don't forget, with the all new IcareLabs Resource Center, you've got access to the largest digital repository on the internet for top name brands like Varilux, Shamir, Kodak Lens, Seiko, Transitions, Crizal, and more!
Every eye care professional can easily find all of the layout charts, sales aids, availability charts, brochures, and much more with the click of a button. We know that when your optical can easily explain the benefits then your sales rise and so does your patients satisfaction. When you win, we win, whether your an Icare customer or not.
About James Stephany:
James Stephany has over 30 years experience in the optical industry. His friendly and professional manner is recognized and appreciated by our customers and many in the business. As Sales and Marketing Director at IcareLabs, James has helped hundreds of eye care professionals improve their business bottom line significantly.
You can also a book a one on one consultation with James to go over everything your practice needs to be able to increase your optical sales. Click the link below to book your time today!