Optical Sales Coach - Transitions

Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up.
Package Pricing
In this video, James Stephany talks about how to get better market penetration with Transitions and increase your profits, too! With the tips found in this quick video below, you can help drive your sales and patient satisfaction through the roof.
For more information on Transitions lenses, check out the Transitions page in our Resource Center. Here you'll find digital copies of sales aids, point-of-purchase materials, white papers, and much more. All available for free, to all ECPs whether you're already an IcareLabs customer or not.
We've also got great tips and tools on how to increase your Transitions capture rate to boost your sales, the latest on the new Transitions Gen 8, and a great breakdown of the amazing new XTRActive Style Mirror colors on our blog. Don't forget to check out the Transitions Eyeglass Builder Website to help build your practice's online presence too.
Here at IcareLabs we understand when every optical has the tools they need to succeed, then everyone in the industry succeeds right along with them. That's the Icare difference!
Want More?
Here are some links to other helpful Optical Sales Coach videos: