Optical Sales Coach - Victory Drivers

Got a few minutes? Want to get some tips and tricks from a long-time optical industry professional? Take a look at the Optical Sales Coach Series from IcareLabs. You never know what useful information you'll pick up. This video is all about VICTORY DRIVERS!
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In this video, James Stephany discusses how individual "stats" from our optical business all add up to victory - much like a sports team. Setting realistic, achievable goals can help motivate you and your staff to strive for success. One of the best things about hitting your goals is positive momentum. They make it easier to keep focused and also help see areas that may need improvement.
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Here are some links to other helpful Optical Sales Coach videos:
Don't forget, our redesigned Resource Center has everything your optical needs to be successful. There you'll find sales aids, white papers, layout charts, demos, digital brochures, educational videos and so much more. All in an easy to navigate page with free downloads. Our Resource Center is the most complete online optical repository on the web! It's also FREE to use for any eye care professional regardless of having an Icare account or not.
When one optical succeeds, then we all do!
About James Stephany:
James Stephany has over 30 years experience in the optical industry. His friendly and professional manner is recognized and appreciated by our customers and many in the business. As Sales and Marketing Director at Icare Labs, James has helped hundreds of eye care professionals improve their business bottom line significantly.
You can also schedule a one-on-one meeting with James to go in-depth on subjects like increasing your optical margins or learning new product options by clicking here.