IcareLabs Blog

Kodak Lens Corner Educational Center available through IcareLabs

The Kodak Lens Corner Adds Color And Branding To Any Office

Feb 7, 2019 9:03:00 AM


Kodak Lens has the tools to help you update your office while increasing your average selling prices by combining the strength of the Kodak brand with eye catching displays, signage, and an in-store “Educational Center”.

The Kodak Lens Educational Center is the centerpiece of the Kodak Lens Corner program. The two-sided educational display offers you a freestanding hands-on demonstration tool helping to engage patients. Patients are encouraged to pick up each frame and demo the effects.

The six, eye catching bright red frames demo no-lines, non-glare, advanced blue light protection, Transitions, high index materials, and polarized.

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Transitions Gen 8 processed in-house by IcareLabs

SNEAK PEEK: Transitions Gen 8

Feb 5, 2019 12:44:00 PM

Transitions Signature 7 lenses made leaps and bounds over Transitions VI which launched a new era of photochromic lenses for patients to enjoy. Now the new Transitions Gen 8 is poised to revolutionize the industry once again!

(As of July 10th, 2019 Transitions Gen 8's first wave has launched, CLICK HERE to visit our recently updated blog post featuring the availability chart and more!)

Building off of the massive success of last years new Transitions 7 Style Colours and XtrActive Style Mirror options, your patients will now have the latest technology behind their new favorite pair of glasses.

Coupled with Essilor's Next Gen program that will help increase your optical sales through second pair purchases, 2019 can be your practice's best year yet!

Let's take a look at the roll out:

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Essilor Instant $100 processed at IcareLabs

Instant $100 And Your Practice

Jan 31, 2019 9:04:00 AM

 January 31st marked the end of the wildly successful Ultimate Lens Package from Essilor of America.

On February 1st, 2019 the new Instant $100 launched which builds off of and improves an already successful formula. Now your patients will have more options than ever, and you can help increase your revenue like never before!

On top of that, the patients themselves will have the power to redeem their incentive INSTANTLY! This is the promotion the delivers patients, not paperwork!

(BLOG UPDATE: The Instant $100 promotion ended at the end of 2019)

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Heritage Freeform Digital Progressives from IcareLabs

Heritage Freeform Digital Progressives Will Work For You

Jan 15, 2019 9:02:00 AM

With over 50 years of doing business, Icarelabs labs has seen its fair share of changes. No other year has seen more changes than 2018. On May 17th, 2018 we celebrated or 50th anniversary and made sure we purchased some great gifts for ourselves in the process.

Along with this fantastic milestone we went too 100% digital processing by adding an additional 3 digital generators and multiple soft polishers.

These upgrades gave us the ability to process even more digital designs than ever. We also introduced our second line of house-branded digital progressives in 2018. Always with a thought to our past as we press forward, we felt there was no better name than Heritage.

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Don't stress over your lab bill, IcareLabs can help!

How To Find The Right Wholesale Optical Labs

Jan 10, 2019 9:01:00 AM

We all know the end of any year tends to be one of the busiest times for anyone in the optical industry. It can get a bit crazy between the holidays and patients trying to cash in their vision plans before they reset.


Now that has passed, many practices are seeing their lab bills in a new light and most likely thinking about how they can lower that bill so they can increase their bottom line without sacrificing the quality products that their patients have come to expect.


Just like your New Year's resolutions, there is no better time than the first of the year to take an objective look at what your current wholesale optical lab is doing for you and if there is any room for improvement.


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How to use the myICL portal

myIcareLabs Is Your Complete Customer Portal

Dec 20, 2018 9:01:00 AM

Our myIcareLabs.com customer portal is your one stop shop for everything your practice needs to be able to run smoothly. This gives all of our customers direct access to everything you'll need for your account.

Built in-house by James Payne in 2008, the simple and friendly user interface gives you complete access to every benefit you receive by being part of the Icare family.

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Crizal no-glare coatings processed in-house by IcareLabs

Benefits Of Anti-Reflective Coatings - Crizal Avance UV

Dec 5, 2018 9:56:10 AM

Crizal Avance UV anti-reflective coatings revolutionized the optical industry when it was introduced in 2012. It scored a 12.9 on the Bayer ISMT by providing some of the best scratch resistance across all materials. Even patients that are typically very rough on their lenses can now enjoy the benefits of anti-reflective coatings.

Crizal also launched backside UV protection for their full line of AR coatings. This helps absorb and prevent UV light transmission via backside glare. Let's take a closer look at exactly how the technology behind the coating has made such an impact.

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