IcareLabs Blog

Kodak Lens Webinars Every Monday and Thursday

Weekly Kodak Lens Webinars

Mar 11, 2021 2:35:02 PM

Kodak Lens is now offering free weekly webinars to all ECPs. These webinars are informative and fun while helping teach you about the Kodak Lens portfolio, sales strategies, Kodak Lens branding leverage, and how the Practice Plus program can benefit your optical dispensary.

Plus you can be entered to win a free pupilometer through the end of March 2021!

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March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

March Is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Mar 2, 2021 9:31:28 AM

March has been named Workplace Eye Wellness month by Prevent Blindness, a long-term pioneer in non-profit eye health awareness across the world that started in 1908. They've spent decades researching and collaborating with ECPs with the mission to prevent blindness and preserve sight.

One of their keys to focus on this month is digital eye strain. Here are several great tips you can pass along to your patients (and your employees) to help with this common issue.

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How to cut down on costly remakes by IcareLabs

How To Cut Down On Costly Remakes

Feb 23, 2021 10:53:20 AM

Remakes have been, continue to be, and probably will always be a sad part of our industry.
Depending on who you ask, remakes range from 5% to 15% nationally. Remakes are not only
costly and thus frustrating, but they're also a massive negative to your patient.

Let’s remember that your patient is actually a customer. Most importantly they are a customer that you would like to return to you over and over through their lifetime. Remakes for any reason cause your customer to spend the time that they  most likely do not have to come back to your office with any problem, only to be followed up with another return visit to pick up their “fixed” pair of glasses.

Remakes also take up your and your staff's valuable time. The time that could be spent bringing in new business is being spent making an old job right. Whether it is an Rx issue, non-adapt to a progressive, base curve problem, material adaptation, or a simple fitting error, redos cost us all money and time. Regardless if your lab charges for the remakes or not, the truth is this: just like a head-butt, no one wins with a redo.

With all of this in mind let’s look at a few key ways to cut down on remakes.

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Guardian safety frames processed in-house at Icarelabs

Guardian Safety Frames

Feb 17, 2021 10:06:06 AM

Ever since we started offering the Guardian Safety Frame line with our stock frames last year, we've had more and more customers tell us they have been a huge success at their practice. This is not surprising considering their phenomenal selection and their great price points!

This blog will breakdown the entire Guardian Safety Frame catalogue so you can determine which frames will work best for your optical dispensary.

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FogAway spray now available at IcareLabs

FogAway Spray Is Now Available

Feb 11, 2021 4:16:57 PM

Wearing masks has definitely been a task for everyone. The difficulty is patched up even more with those wearing glasses. Fogging issues can be a real and ever severe problem for eyeglass wearers while utilizing the protection of a mask. I personally fall into the glass wearing, category so when IcareLabs started researching this FogAway product I was super excited!

We had tried a couple of other tricks and even a few over the counter products and nothing worked well on lenses with AR coatings. I have to admit that I was a bit suspect, but I was willing to try anything to quit dealing with my glasses fogging up.

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4 key success drivers to a successful optical staff

4 Steps To Develop A Winning Optical Staff

Jan 20, 2021 10:20:27 AM

After more years than I would like to count of managing teams in both retail and wholesale environments I have learned one very important fact – I would be nothing without my staff. They have always been just as they are now, my greatest resource. A high-performing staff can make a business or practice great while a low-performing staff can kill one. Having a great team creates an atmosphere that is contagious. Your customers will want to be part of it and will continue to come back as a result of it.

It takes work to create good team driven employees that want to serve customers. It doesn’t happen by accident. You will need a focused, strategic, and consistent approach to develop a customer service minded team. Here are a few key factors that could help you develop a team that will represent your practice well while creating a loyal customer base through superior customer service.

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Transitions XTRActive Polarized Lenses Available at IcareLabs

NOW AVAILABLE: Transitions XTRActive Polarized

Jan 15, 2021 9:56:26 AM

Transitions in partnership with Younger Optics have just introduced a revolutionary new photochromic polarized product. By combining all of the benefits of the proven XTRActive Transition product with Polarization your patients now have a product that performs like no other.

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How do you make a great practice or optical shop website?

What Makes A Great Practice Website?

Jan 4, 2021 9:07:00 AM

It’s 2021, and we are now firmly entrenched in the digital age. With everything from vision screenings to frame try-ons available online, eye care is becoming an increasingly digital business. It’s more important than ever for ECPs to have a modern, updated website.


But there’s so much more to a website than the way it looks. These days, user experience is the name of the game. Your site has to be easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to understand. Bells and whistles aside, there are a few elements that every great eye care website has. They’re the foundation on which you can build your practice’s online presence.

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How to sanitize your optical dispensary

5 Easy-To-Use Tools To Clean Your Optical Dispensary

Dec 18, 2020 4:49:27 PM

With 2020 coming to a close, one thing that seems to now be part of the lexicon going forward is a renewed interest in keeping things sanitized. While we hoped this would be over by now, it is very obvious that Covid-19 will remain with us for at least a good portion of 2021.

In the past, simply dusting frames off once a week was about all the "cleaning" we did. Times have changed and our customers are demanding more out of us regarding sanitation. This takes time that many of us do not have, but it must be done.

Luckily, thanks to technology there are more tools than ever before to sanitize your frames and high usage areas in your optical dispensary. Let's take a look at 5 great options that can get the job done quickly and easily.

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Shamir Relax and Shamir Genesis HD lenses produced in-house at IcareLabs

Shamir Relax 50 & 80 And Shamir Genesis HD Now Produced At IcareLabs

Dec 15, 2020 10:32:56 AM


We are excited to announce 3 more amazing Shamir lens designs are now being processed in-house here at IcareLabs. The Shamir Relax 50, Shamir Relax 80, and the Shamir Genesis HD have officially joined the extensive line-up of phenomenal name-brand progressive lens offerings available to our customers.

As always, everyone gets our always fair, flat pricing included with these lenses. Let's get to know the benefits of each of these lenses along with their key features.

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