IcareLabs Blog

Happy patients bring you more patients!

How To Create A Patient Experience That Keeps Them Coming Back

Nov 5, 2021 5:22:30 PM

We know that cancellations without notice can negatively affect your optometric practice. It’s not always an easy task to provide every patient with the best experience and care from their arrival to their departure.

Doing your best to give your patient an experience that’s hard to forget (of course, in a positive way) will contribute to a decrease in patients not showing up for their scheduled appointments. It will also increase great reviews and word-of-mouth referrals, which can greatly contribute to attracting new patients to your business.

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Polarized Lenses 101 for ECPs

Polarized Lenses 101

Aug 18, 2021 5:11:36 PM

If polarized lenses are not an important part of your patient care plan, they should be. Almost everyone could benefit from a pair of polarized lenses as they simply reduce glare better than other products on the market.

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Give back to your community with the gift of sight and the Essilor Vision Foundation

How You Can Give Back With The EVF

Jun 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM

One thing we have consistently been asked over the years is how small business owners in the optical industry can give back in a meaningful way to their community. Being able to utilize your unique skills as an OD or an optician is only one step in the process. The Essilor Vision Foundation can partner with you to help provide frames, lenses, and eye exams at no cost to underprivileged children and their family members in your area.

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