IcareLabs Blog

Optical Sales Made Easier with POP Material

Written by Jessyca | Oct 23, 2023 1:00:00 PM

The optical world has so much to offer to patients needing glasses but there just isn't enough time in the world to explain all of the upgrades and benefits that these features can bring to an individual. That's when posters, brochures, or even displays come in handy! I don't know about you, but when I am at the doctor's office waiting to be seen, I enjoy looking at the posters around the office or reading brochures about different products or health issues that I can be educated on. A study has found that over 75% of patients read the content provided on the walls and tables of their doctor's office. 

Not only does this drive questions from your patients about specific products and upgrades, but it can also help you learn what is important to your patients and what they value in a pair of glasses.

As an account of ours, we are able to order you several point-of-purchase material options including brochures for patients, sales aids for ECPs, posters, samples, and demo kits. This POP material comes printed or in digital form and most of it is FREE to order! Below is a summary of popular products and the POP material that is available to you:


  • Crizal Sapphire HR sales aids, mirror clings, table tents, and brochures
  • Crizal Rock window clings
  • Crizal Pens
  • Crizal Sapphire HR 50/50 demo lens
  • Crizal Easy PRO sales aidKBco has a wide variety of precoated mirror options that offer stability in the color

KBco Mirror

  • KBco Availability Chart
  • Cooler and warmer weather mirror brochures
  • Matte Mirror Sales Aids



  • XtrActive sales aid, patient brochures, and demo kit
  • XtrActive Polarized Mirror clings, posters, and brochures
  • Activation lamps
  • Consumer brochures and availability charts


  • Varilux brand posters, infographics, and brochures
  • Varilux Reading Card
  • Dispensing guides and benefits sales aid
  • Varilux dispensing mats
  • Varilux XR materials

IcareLabs House Brand

  • Standard, ICE, and ICE w/ Silk AR coating samples
  • Heritage Digital Freeform sales aid
  • Legacy Digital Freeform sales aid

These are just a few of the great tools that you have access to. Are you looking to increase your sales on a specific product or looking to learn more about another product? Contact your account manager to order material today!