Weekly Kodak Lens Webinars

Kodak Lens is now offering free weekly webinars to all ECPs. These webinars are informative and fun while helping teach you about the Kodak Lens portfolio, sales strategies, Kodak Lens branding leverage, and how the Practice Plus program can benefit your optical dispensary.
Plus you can be entered to win a free pupilometer through the end of March 2021!
Whether you're already an avid fan of the amazing Kodak Lens portfolio or just interested in learning how to bring some diversity into your optical's lens portfolio, these webinars are a great resource for every ECP.
Here at IcareLabs, we love Kodak Lens and have seen firsthand how ECPs across the country benefit by including Kodak Lens offerings to their patients.
Kodak Lens Portfolio
Learn more about tried and true lenses like the Precise, Unique, and the technology behind their latest digital PAL the Kodak Unique DRO. You'll also learn about the amazing no-glare Kodak Clean & CleAR coatings that are available for your patients.
The Kodak Power Up single vision also provides non-progressive wearers with a premium branded SV lens designed to help alleviate digital eye strain.
See how the Kodak Total Blue hybrid lens material/AR coatings can provide your patients with one of the best blue light protection options available on the market today.
Sales Strategies
These weekly webinars will also provide you with proven strategies to give your practice the power of Kodak Lens to help increase your sales. From helping improve your AR capture rate to understanding the importance of having a premium branded progressive lens helps improve your patient satisfaction.
Using one of America's oldest and most trusted brands can give your practice the competitive edge it needs to stand out among online and big-box options patients may be considering. They'll also show you how you can maximize your practice's reimbursements to get the most bang for your buck when using most managed care options.
From the Kodak Lens Center to the Kodak Lens Corner, they have several display options that can help educate your patients. These are available for free to most practices through easily reachable monthly sales goals. Plus they look great too!
Nothing helps patients understand the benefits of options such as photochromics lenses or no-glare coatings like seeing (and feeling!) it for themselves. You'll see how adding any of these options to your optical can become one of your most invaluable tools.
Kodak Lens offers the PracticePlus program which is one of the most generous rebate programs in the industry. You'll learn how it works and how easy it is to incorporate it into your optical business. The best part of PracticePlus is getting cash back for your practice!
You can also get even more back by utilizing IcareLabs always fair, flat pricing, and our new account promotions to stack with the great rebates offered by PracticePlus.
Attending a Kodak Lens webinar also enters you to win a pupilometer through the end of March 2021. Just use the promo code "Training" when registering for your seat. The drawing will be held on April 2, 2021.
Looking for more Kodak Lens information? CLICK HERE to visit our Kodak Lens Resource Center