Creating a Successful PAL Strategy

Let me share a little secret with you... your job is really challenging! There's something unique about selling a medical device in a retail environment. Working with the public, even in the best conditions, isn't for the faint-hearted.
The ideal scenario would be selling people products for their hobbies, where they get to buy fun things to enjoy their favorite activities. In this blog, I'll share how to create a strategy to help you sell more progressive lenses that really works.
I've always said that if I were to return to retail, it would be to work at a tackle shop. A place where fishermen come in to splurge on a lure, hoping to catch more and bigger fish. Tackle shops are a blast because everyone there is looking for items to help them do what they love. They're willing to spend big bucks without a fuss to fuel their hobby.
You might think that customers buying glasses would be just as excited about their eyesight, but that's not always the case. No matter how fair your pricing is, it often seems too high to the patient. Many of your customers aren't thrilled about glasses, so it's not exactly a joyful purchase. For most, it's a necessity, which takes the fun out of it. Plus, they often have expectations that aren't quite realistic.
They expect perfect vision with zero distortion in all areas of the lens, along with a seamless experience when getting their new lenses. We know that's not always possible, especially with presbyopes and progressives.
We're pretty good at understanding that the needs of patient A can be different from those of patient B. But what about the needs of the same patient throughout their lifetime? The visual needs of a patient at 25 are vastly different from those at 45 and again at 65. The way they use their vision in the workforce will change when they retire. Having a plan for your patients as they navigate these changes is crucial. A forward-thinking strategy will benefit you today and in the years to come.
Here are some key points for creating a strategy for your patient's lifetime:
Start Early
Many of your patients come back to you year after year, and that's a wonderful opportunity! You can guide them from just needing distance vision correction to addressing pre-emerging presbyopia, and eventually, their first pair of PALs.
Starting early with a plan for progressives is a win-win for both your patients and you. Lenses like the Essilor EyeZen or the Shamir Relax are fantastic for helping your younger and pre-emerging patients ease eye strain from reading and computer use, and they'll be a great help when they transition to progressives.
Anti-fatigue lenses have a gentle "add" zone that makes those up-close moments more comfortable. This little boost at the bottom of the lenses is easy for your patients to get used to and helps them adjust to the ground view issue that many first-time progressive wearers encounter.
Stage Your Offerings
Not every young patient wearing single vision lenses will find an anti-fatigue lens helpful, but most folks aged 35-45 who are starting to experience presbyopia will.
Be attentive to their needs and don't hesitate to ask plenty of questions. Check in on how comfortable they feel with reading and computer use. Suggest an anti-fatigue lens design to help them out.
First Time PAL Wearers
Navigating this stage can be a bit tricky, with lots of factors to consider when choosing the right progressive design. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, but that's where your expertise as a savvy optical pro comes in handy! You'll need to think about various aspects when recommending the perfect PAL.
At this point, your patient is likely still working, so their needs might focus more on distance and intermediate zones.
What are their specific needs? How do they use their eyes throughout the day? What are they hoping for? Do you think comfort and ease of adaptation are most important, or is a wide field of view the key?
There are plenty of designs that offer both, but we know that sometimes a simpler design can help with quicker adaptation, even if it means sacrificing a bit of width, and vice versa.
That's why we always suggest a tiered approach with progressive options. It's great to have a "good" and "better" choice, along with a value option to save a sale. I'd also recommend having a "best" option to complement your "good" and "better" choices.
This gives you a three-tier offering to match different needs, wants, and budgets. The "save the sale" option should be just that—only used when necessary to keep the sale due to pricing.
When it comes to first-time PAL wearers, there are two schools of thought. Some folks suggest keeping it simple with a straightforward, non-compensated design like the Varilux Comfort DRx. Others think higher-end products like the Varilux Physio W3+ or XR are better for newcomers.
Both perspectives have their merits. I recommend basing your choice on what you think will benefit your patient the most. Are they more focused on ease of wear or wide fields of view?
Leaving the Workforce
Your patients who are still working and wearing progressives often spend a lot of time on computers, so they need a wide and stable intermediate zone.
When they retire, their visual needs change quite a bit. They won't be glued to their computers all day. Instead, they'll be enjoying travel, watching TV, and diving into some great books.
Their focus shifts to needing clear distance vision and easy access to reading zones. This is where shorter corridor or short fixed designs come in handy. By offering these, you're making their transition from distance to reading smoother, providing more comfort and a wider reading area.
Having a PAL strategy that begins well before it's needed and continues into retirement is a win-win. It benefits your patients, reduces remakes, and keeps them happy. While there's no one-size-fits-all solution, many options will suit most. For those unique cases, just ask the right questions and tailor your recommendations to their needs, and success will surely follow.
No matter what stage your patient is in, getting high quality PALs at the best prices around is also key to longevity for your business. Nobody does that better than IcareLabs, so open an account to join the Icare family today.