Varilux Physio W3+ Review

The Varilux Phsyio W3+ launched in the mid-2010s quickly becoming a fan favorite in the Varilux family and has replaced the Physio Enhanced in the Varilux line-up. The Physio W3+ contains several patented technology ensuring your patients will love their new progressive lenses.
Offering high adaptability and lens aberrations, let's take a look at why this lens has become so successful and hear from our resident optical expert on what to expect when wearing these lenses.
As you can see from the graph above, the Varilux Phsyio W3+ provides your patients with a large reading area, W.A.V.E. Technology 2, and SynchronEyes along with optional blue light protection with the Essential Blue Series in the material itself which can be coupled with Crizal Prevencia for even more HEV protection.
The W3+ was a direct answer for patients requesting a larger intermediate zone with less visual distortion. They were able to achieve this with the aforementioned technologies, so let's take a closer look at what these are capable of.
W.A.V.E. Technology 2 
W.A.V.E. stands for Wavefront Advanced Vision Enhancement. The first iteration of this technology launched with the original Varilux Physio DRx as a way to combat the wavefront aberrations caused by the curvature of the progressive lens. These aberrations caused a "dulling" effect to the wearer. By adding this technology, the wearer perceives a sharper image at every distance, in all 3 zones.
W.A.V.E. technology 2 launched with the Varilux S series and is also included with the Varilux X progressive lens. Improving on the original's design by taking into account the dilation of the pupil under high and low light conditions. With this new technology, patients reported sharper vision across all 3 zones, even during low light.
The result also provides patients with a wider field of vision and greater color contrast.
The SynchronEyes technology was one of the first on the market to take into account the left and right lenses of the patient as a pair. It uses advanced calculations to account for both lenses prescription. This allows the wearer an almost seamless transition across all 3 zones.
Now that we've dug a bit into the mechanics behind the tech in these progressives, let's hear from our resident optical guru and Director of Sales and Marketing here at IcareLabs, James Stephany, on his thoughts about wearing the W3+ and where it fits into your offerings:
"The Varilux Physio W3+ offers you and your patients a fantastic ultra high-end product. The Physio W3+ shares a similar technology with SynchronEyes to the Varilux X Series at a lower price point. W.A.V.E. technology 2 will give your seasoned patients a little extra brightness and sharpness that they are seeking.
Many of our customers utilize this design as the top tier while others utilize as a value premium alternative the the X series. Either way, you will be dispensing to your patient a proven design that will satisfy even the most particular patient.
SynchronEyes technology allows the 2 lenses to work together resulting in more balance between left and right lenses for patients with distinct difference in Rx OD to OS.
When you need a lens offering clarity, wide intermediate and reading along with ease of adaption the Varilux Physio W3+ is always a good option."
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