Lenses 101 - Varilux Physio

In 2004, Essilor introduced the Varilux Physio to the world with the original W.A.V.E. technology that featured wider fields of vision than the Comfort, while also reducing visual distortion and "swim".
This progressive lens was a game-changer for low-light conditions, helping millions of patients see better; even when it's darker out.
Quickly becoming known for it's easy adaption by most presbyopes, it also continued the Comfort's methodology of providing a good balance for all 3 zones of vision and further solidified Varilux lenses as a brand patients associate with quality.
Essilor launched the Physio DRx in October of 2010 with the knowledge that design is everything with progressive addition lenses. This gave us a full backside version of the proven Physio design, offering clearer, sharper vision at every distance.
This was soon followed up with the introduction of the Physio Enhanced; which has now been upgraded to the Physio W3+.
These designs utilize Essilor’s proven Dual Optics design, allowing superior optics and wider fields of view. The W3+ incorporated W.A.V.E. Technology 2 giving sharper vision in all lighting conditions, and Binocular Booster, allowing patients to transition from near to far smoothly and effortlessly giving patients many benefits.
IcareLabs uses state of the art, 100% single-point generating with soft polish, along with streamlined efficiency throughout the entire surfacing of each lens from start to finish. This gives us the ability to offer Varilux Physio lenses at some of the best prices in the industry for all independent eyecare professionals!
Coupled with our ability to do Crizal in-house, along with being a certified digital processing lab for several of the top branded lenses in the country, we can be a key part in helping drive down your lab bill without sacrificing the things you expect from your lab.
For more information on the complete line of Varilux lenses, visit our Varilux page on our new Resource Center. Here you'll find sales aids, point-of-purchase material, and much more.