3 Best Practices For Choosing Your Patient's Transitions Lenses
May 29, 2018 11:10:00 AM
by James Stephany

We also understand Transitions lenses have several products to choose from. We sometimes hear our ECP's ask how they can make sure they are choosing the best Transition product for each patient.
So how do you do that? It's easy!
- Does your patient spend more time indoors? This patient would probably benefit most from Transitions 7 Signature, which will be fully clear inside and quickly return to clear after going outside.
- Does your patient spend more time outdoors and/or driving? This patient would be perfect for Transitions XTRActive glasses, which will be darker outdoors, have some activation behind the windshield, and will also be useful for patients who may be light sensitive outside.
- Does your patient spend a significant amount of time outdoors needing polarized lenses? This patient is an ideal candidate for Transitions Vantage lenses, which will provide them with dark lenses outdoors and variable polarization.
You can see how asking a few simple needs based questions will open the door to finding the best product for each patient, while also giving them the best possible experience!
Your patients come to you for your expertise, don't be afraid to recommend the best possible lenses to fit their lifestyle. Spending a little bit more now on a product they'll use daily for a year or more now can make a lot of sense down the road.
It'll also make a world of difference for your optical's bottom line. There is a Transitions product on the market to meet almost everyone's needs.
IcareLabs wants to make sure you have all the tools you need to be able to offer everything your patients may need with confidence and regardless of having an account with us.
For more information on Transitions lenses, check out the Transitions page in our Resource Center.