Varilux Physio Extensee Progressive Lenses Launching in Q3 of 2025

We recently got a sneak peek at the brand new Varilux® design which will be called the Varilux® Physio® extensee™. This is an exciting leap forward in technology for both Varilux lenses and their Physio lineup of progressives. This blog will cover the planned launch timeline as well as peek into the expected new technology that drives this design.
The new Varilux Physio extensee lenses are expected to launch in late Q3 of this year. As with all product launches, this is subject to change so make sure you are subscribed to our IcareFocus newsletter to ensure you get the latest news in the wholesale optical industry. You can also signup on the EssilorPro website for launch emails and expect to hear more from your EssilorLuxottica® brand specialist as we get closer to the launch to ensure you have everything needed to inform your patients on this new design.
The Varilux Physio extensee will be replacing both the Varilux® Physio DRx™ and the Varilux® Physio® W3+. Both of these lens designs will be sunset shortly after launch. The new Varilux Physio extensee designs will provide patients with unparalleled low light vision and near-vision zone reading.
New wearers are particularly keen on lenses that enhance their visual comfort in all lighting conditions. They often face challenges with near vision, especially when reading fine print.
Pupilizer™ Technology
Our pupils are extremely dynamic to adjust to ever-changing light conditions through the day. They can change constantly through the entire day, even several times per second. Every person is different and this also includes their pupil dynamism which can be effected by several parameters. No two eyes are alike and just like the rest of the human body, they will change over time.
The new Pupilizer technology was designed with all of this in mind. Building off of the popular WAVE 2™ Technology that made the Varilux Physio DRx and Varilux Physio W3+ lenses such a success, Pupilizer technology will revolutionize high-vision intensity in any lighting condition.
Your patients can expect extra sharp contrasted vision that will give them confidence in low light. Whether they are reading a book late at night or scrolling digital devices in the evening, Pupilizer technology will give them unrivaled near zone visibility compared to any other lenses currently on the market today.
DualBooster™ Technology
The new DualBooster technology builds upon and refines their DualOptix™ technology present in the Varilux® X series™ & Varilux® XR series™ of lenses. DualBooster technology is a new patented dual-side digital surfacing design providing uncompromising vision allowing patients to focus in all zones with less distortion than ever before. Combined with the Pupilizer technology, it will make near-zone reading vision completely effortless for the wearer.
Synchroneyes™ Technology
Just like the Varilux X series, Varilux XR series, and the Varilux Physio W3+ before it; the new Varilux Physio extensee will still have the patented Syncroneyes technology included to ensure the widest viewing angles possible. Synchroneyes technology calculates both right and left lenses as a pair so the patient is able to transition between all 3 zones comfortably.
Varilux Physio Extensee Classic Edition
The Varilux® Physio® extensee™ Classic Edition will be the replacement for the Varilux Physio DRx line. This design will be a full backside digital progressive and will not feature the DualBooster technology. For patients that currently wear the Varilux Physio DRx, you should have no trouble upgrading them to this design when they come to purchase their next pair of glasses.
Expected Launch Date
Currently, the expected launch date will be in August of this year. As mentioned above, this is subject to change and we will keep everyone updated via our blog and IcareFocus newsletter. You can expect to see hype starting now since the announcement from this year's Vision Expo East that concluded earlier today. The Varilux marketing team will begin ECP training and in-store events in late May/early June of 2025. New Leonardo training courses should become available in June as well.
The new Varilux Physio extensee lenses are poised to make a huge splash in the premium branded progressive market. Replacing a tried-and-true lens design like the Varilux Physio DRx and the Varilux Physio W3+ is no small task, but the expected new Pupilizer technology and DualBooster technology behind this lens will propel the Physio lineup into the future. Your patients that demand high vision intensity in any light with extra sharpness and contrast will be very happy. They'll also get the highest near vision available on the market.