IcareLabs Blog

Instant $100 And Your Practice

Written by Camille Lowery | Jan 31, 2019 2:04:00 PM

 January 31st marked the end of the wildly successful Ultimate Lens Package from Essilor of America.

On February 1st, 2019 the new Instant $100 launched which builds off of and improves an already successful formula. Now your patients will have more options than ever, and you can help increase your revenue like never before!

On top of that, the patients themselves will have the power to redeem their incentive INSTANTLY! This is the promotion the delivers patients, not paperwork!

(BLOG UPDATE: The Instant $100 promotion ended at the end of 2019)

Your practice will also receive direct mass marketing support in your local area. This will help drive more patients to your practice offering a promotion to drive higher second pair sales. 

All you have to do is sign up, and be ready to walk your patient through the simple redemption process.

The easiest way to make sure your practice is enrolled in the program is to register at: www.EssilorUSA.com/instant100

Your unique ID for the program will be given to you after completing the registration process above.

After registration, you'll also receive a welcome kit with point of purchase materials for display at your practice at no cost to you. You can also download digital content for display by going to www.EssilorShare.com

The enrollment period began on January 7th, 2019, and will last through December 30th, 2019. The offer period starts tomorrow (February 1st, 2019) and will be available through December 31st, 2019.

The program itself is designed to help drive your second pair purchases, while also making it as easy as possible for your patients to participate. Your patients will get to select the $100 instant reward of their choice when purchasing the Ultimate Lens Package and a qualifying second pair.

Patients not purchasing the Ultimate Lens Package can still receive $50 in 4-8 days by purchasing any Varilux & Crizal packages or any Eyezen+ & Crizal packages.

To qualify, a second pair must include one of the following premium brands: Varilux, Crizal, Transitions, Xperio UV, or Eyzen+. And of course, IcareLabs is able to process all of these for you!

How do your patients receive their rebate?

It's easy! Just have your patients go to www.Instant100.com on their mobile device, tablet, or at home on their computer.

They'll select their rebate option, enter their contact information, select their eyecare provider, and upload a picture of their proof of purchase. They'll also need to enter the unique ID for your practice to complete the process.

Patients are also offered a mail in option at the website above. If they choose this method, they'll receive their prepaid card in the mail within 4-6 weeks.

Both jobs need to be ordered on the same day, and patients are not able to transfer the second pair to a family member or loved one.

Instant $100 includes uncut lenses, but does not include stock lenses or safety lenses. Existing lab warranties and redo processes apply with no special warranties for the promotion.

You can download the complete Instant $100 FAQ when you CLICK HERE.

You can also view our Essilor Resource Center page for more information on Essilor lenses and coatings provided by IcareLabs.

Let the Instant $100 do the heavy lifting in driving your second pair sales for 2019. Let IcareLabs help you re-create perfect vision for your patients while lowering your lab bill at the same time!

(BLOG UPDATE: The Instant $100 promotion ended at the end of 2019)