What Makes A Great Practice Website?

It’s 2021, and we are now firmly entrenched in the digital age. With everything from vision screenings to frame try-ons available online, eye care is becoming an increasingly digital business. It’s more important than ever for ECPs to have a modern, updated website.
But there’s so much more to a website than the way it looks. These days, user experience is the name of the game. Your site has to be easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to understand. Bells and whistles aside, there are a few elements that every great eye care website has. They’re the foundation on which you can build your practice’s online presence.
Content Is (a Fickle) King
You’ve probably heard the phrase “content is king,” and it’s definitely true. A good-looking website is nice to look at, but the whole point of a site is to convey information.
But all content is not created equal. Content for the sake of content won’t get you anywhere. You need high-quality content to really elevate your website.
Every time someone performs a Google search, they’re asking a question. “What are your hours?” Why do I need an eye exam?” “Where can I get progressive lenses?” Your website’s content should answer the type of questions users in your area are asking.
Don’t worry about keywords. Focus on providing clear, quality information that’s organized with headings for easy skimming.
Faster is Always Better 
The internet grants us answers to virtually any question we can imagine and all within a matter of seconds. As a result, we will not wait more than a few seconds to get that answer.
53% of users will abandon a web page if it hasn’t loaded within 3 seconds. If you want users to choose you, your website needs to be lightning-fast. Optimizing images before posting them and embedding videos from third-party sites like YouTube are two easy ways you can tighten up your site speed.
Unfortunately, you may also need to sacrifice some flashy features, like video banners and sliders. These elements look cool, but they can absolutely tank the user experience. When it comes to your website, your user’s needs have to come first.
Offer Next Steps 
We’ve already established that answering user questions is an important element of user experience. But you can take that a step further by telling them what to do next.
Effective websites use calls to action.
A call to action is just marketing jargon for directing your audience to the next logical step you want them to take. “Buy now,” “schedule an appointment,” and “contact us” are all examples of calls to action because they tell your user how you want them to behave.
Each page should have at least two calls to action – one near the top and one near the bottom. To really get the best performance out of them, make your call to action anchor text for a link to the relevant page or resource. For example, “buy now” would link to an eCommerce page. “Schedule an appointment” could link to your contact information page or your online scheduler.
Guiding users through the buying or booking process means you’re less likely to lose them along the way.
Remember: The User Always Comes First
It’s tempting to use your website as a hall of fame for fancy plug-ins and pretty imagery, but it needs to be so much more than that. If you want your website to augment your business and generate leads, the site has to revolve around one person: your user.
If you keep user intent and user experience in mind, you can win their buy-in before they even walk through your door. Commitment to the consumer (patient) starts online. Your website is an opportunity to show just how committed you are.