MEI Racer 4Swift Edger Now in Action at IcareLabs

We are proud to announce that as of June 26th, we've successfully installed our brand new MEI Racer Swift edger. This has been no small feat as we had to completely redesign a large section of the lab and carefully coordinate with all of our departments for over a year to accomplish this with no disruption to your patients' jobs. So why did we put so much effort into this? Find out in our latest blog.
Check out the awesome GIF above or the time-lapse video we created for the installation process. Witness our incredible maintenance and operations teams in action as they work tirelessly over the weekend of June 21st to get the job done. It's truly an honor to collaborate with such skilled and dedicated teammates.
First and foremost, MEI is world renowned among wholesale labs for some of the best specialty finishing equipment that can take years to even get on the list to receive one. We feel incredibly fortunate to have installed such an extraordinary piece of technology in our Finishing department.
Just how impressive is it, you ask? When operating at full capacity, this cutting-edge machine can efficiently process up to 200 lenses per hour! We are thrilled by the significant impact this will have on enhancing the capacity and quality of our Finishing department, while also greatly reducing errors.
As the Racer does its thing, at any given time it will be processing 5 trays of jobs while actively working on 8 lenses and shuffling in and out another set of jobs. This is how it's able to maintain such an insanely high rate of jobs per hour that I mentioned above. It's truly a sight to behold and we will be posting even more amazing videos of this process on our company social media pages, so make sure that you are following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
The Racer takes the human out of the inspection process and uses cold, hard science to make sure every job that we finish for you is correct. During the Racer's inspection process, it will check every single job for correct power, cyl, axis, prism, polarization, and thickness (to all be within ANSI standards). The Racer does all of this with no blocking involved. The entire process is automated via suction which further reduces the chances of breakage.
Since the installation and utilization of this machine with its consistent, scientific inspection process, we have been able to identify areas for improvement in various processes throughout the lab. Our President, Danny Payne, consistently encourages all departments to proactively seek ways to streamline and enhance our operations.
So, for all our customers who have entrusted us with finishing their jobs, you might be wondering about the impact on your orders. The great news is that thanks to this machine, your frame fits will see significant improvement. This translates to better aesthetics and reduced handling of frames, ultimately lowering the risk of frames breaking during lens mounting.
If you're an eye care professional who doesn't handle your own edging and has been considering trying out our lab, now is the perfect opportunity to give us a shot. Rest assured, you won't be let down.