Eye Care Professionals Affiliating With Helpful Causes

As you review an organization, look into what have they done within your local community. Prevent Blindness.org is a national non-profit organization that has coordinated events, medical information and collateral to help your business bring attention to a good cause. There are opportunities for you to promote support for Prevent Blindness. Your office can show your customers that you are supporting their community. Find out through local organizations, churches or schools what local need there is to help.
When you visit the website www.preventblindness.org, there is a choice of going to the link: Prevent Blindness in your State. Or, you may call and ask about upcoming events, and ways to get involved. They say you may donate, of course and create your own campaign to raise money on behalf of the organization. Also, you may advocate for preventing blindness, getting involved with current Congressional Vision Caucus to help strengthen a national dialogue and policy on vision-related issues and disabilities.
The CVC-Congressional Vision Caucus mission is to raise awareness about the increasing number of Americans at risk for age-related diseases. It provides understanding of the personal risk of vision loss and the importance of taking steps to protect eyesight.
Your company campaign can be sponsoring a sporting event, for example or, dedicate a page in memory of someone. In lieu of a birthday gift, ask your family and friends to donate to the organization. Get your local school(s) involved in a ‘Saving for Sight Day’ or something similar. Have the students, math classes and the entire school sponsor a fundraiser. You may join a current campaign already in progress through the Prevent Blindness.org as well.
Whatever organization you choose to support, it is a good way to bring awareness of your business in a positive way and build relationships with your clients and their families.
NOTE: This article was featured in our July icareNEWS newsletter. If you would like to read the entire newsletter, please click here.
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